La Liberazione di Ruggiero dall'Isola di Alcina & The Sofa

Client: The Royal Irish Academy of Music

Project type: Promotional Identity

Credits: The Institute of Art Design & Technology, Dun Laoghaire, The Royal Irish Academy of Music

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The Royal Irish Academy of Music's double bill production creatively reimagines two operas: La Liberazione di Ruggiero dall'Isola di Alcina (1625) and The Sofa (1957).
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Despite their diverse origins—centuries apart and rooted in different cultural contexts—both operas were written by women and share profound thematic connections.

Female empowerment is central to both stories, as are ideas about seduction, entrapment, humour and transformation of the male body.
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The design approach for the production focused on capturing the essence of these operas' narratives and themes and blending classical elements with contemporary design sensibilities.
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