
Exhibition: On Show 2023, IADT

Project type: Design Fiction

Credits: The Institute of Art Design & Technology, Dun Laoghaire

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Archium, founded after the Global Knowledge Crash of 2038 (GKC), is dedicated to preserving authentic human knowledge in a world shaken by deep fakes, fake news, and failing verification systems.
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One of Archiums key initiatives is an annual publication, a physical artefact that documents current knowledge through public submissions and includes "The Vault," where readers contribute their own materials to return to Archium, forming a participatory archive.
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The physical submissions from readers become "time capsules," preserved in Archium's central repository. These artefacts, ranging from letters to photos, offer a glimpse into personal and collective history, providing future generations with tangible links to the past.
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Archium operates as an apolitical, non-profit organization. Its mission is to archive knowledge without bias, ensuring accuracy and authenticity. Funded by a "digital memory tax" on tech superpowers, overseen by The Confederation of Digital Preservation, Archium remains independent and true to its mission.
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Archium aims to rebuild trust in knowledge by offering a secure, unbiased platform for preservation. It seeks to counteract the forces that led to the Global Knowledge Crash, envisioning a future where knowledge is once again trusted and responsibly used.
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